BluPASS provides visitors and vendors the ability to use their mobile device or physical credential to gain access through portals and to floors. A BluPASS Digital Credential can be sent along with a visitor or vendor invitation allowing guests to move frictionlessly through access points for a predetermined period of time. BluPASS Credentials can be delivered in many forms including Printed Barcodes/QR codes, MiFARE and Prox cards, digital barcodes/QR codes, cloud-credentials, Bluetooth Credentials, and PIN numbers.

BluPASS works on any controlled door, turnstile, relay elevator, or destination dispatch elevator to which a guest has access, and it works across multiple sites, systems, and hardware. For destination dispatch elevators, it even provides the elevator car assignment right on your mobile device. BluPASS is a more secure way to provide temporary guest access because it creates an audit trail of the event. BluPASS is Security Design for Convenience.

Click to view > BluPASS Datasheet

Key Benefits

  • Your mobile device grants access through doors, turnstiles, and floors
  • Helps achieve a frictionless visitor and vendor experience
  • Reduces visitor and vendor queuing at the security desk
  • Reduces the burden on security desk staff
  • Provides a secure identification, transaction, and audit trail for every visitor and vendor
  • Works independently of any reader that is installed at the access point 
  • Does not require proprietary Bluetooth or NFC credentials
  • Provides a platform for many advanced access features


Key Features

  • Temporary access credential with automatic expiration
  • Works with many types of access technologies and media
  • Location sensitive – you must be close to the door, turnstile, or elevator that you want to access
  • Provides optional identity check and self-check-in capability
  • Provides destination dispatch elevator assignment right on the guest’s  mobile device
  • Enables relay elevator floor selection on an elevator by elevator basis
  • Provides recycling and reuse of MiFARE and Proximity credentials
  • Feedback messages indicate access granted or why access is denied
  • An audit trail is created just as if a physical credential was used